started collecting golf back in 1980 and joined the Golf Collectors Society
(now the Golf Heritage Society) a year later. Any golf book was
my first quest. That collecting pursuit lasted for a dozen
years at which point I sold most of that collection to a fine gentleman who
had opened a golf memorabilia shop at Pebble Beach. After a year,
I knew I still had the passion
for golf collecting and found a few of the 1981 Donruss golf cards that
I had purchased years earlier. There began a long term addiction
to golf card collecting. Along with golf cards of all types, I
back into golf books published 1949 and before. That led me into comic
with some reference to golf on the cover.
Over the past
10 years, my cards and books have slowly ended up in the hands of other
collectors. The golf cover comic book collection, of close to 500
golf covers, has recently been donated to the USGA Museum. The
collecting passion remaining for this "76 year old" are my Ben Hogan cards and his books.