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Ben Hogan Golf Cards

Ben Hogan SportKings Golf Cards
        (79) -- Known Ben Hogan SK cards as of February 10, 2024

The Sport Kings brand was first seen in 1933-34 when the "Goudey Gum Company" issued a series of 48 Sports Stars from that era.  The golfers in that set were #8 Walter Hagen, #22 Gene Sarazen, #38 Bobby Jones, and #45 Babe Didrickson.  These cards are still very collectible to this date.  It would be over 70 years for any Sportkings cards to appear again.

In 2007, Brian Price secured the rights to the famous name, but changed it from two words to just one word, Sportkings.  Brian Price first entered the sports card world in 1991-92 with the "Parkhurst Company", a sub licensor of "Pro Set".  In 1998-99, he started producing his own cards, mainly hockey, with "In the Game" cards.  Then, as stated above, he secured the rights to the Sportkings brand and started producing those cards from 2007 to 2014, when he merged with the "Leaf Trading Card Company".  Then in 2018 he started up a new trading card company called "President's Choice"
which has issued several Ben Hogan cards.  (More on the President's Choice cards on its own page).

The Brian Price BH Sportkings cards are mainly Memorabilia cards or Autographed cards.  There are just a few "regular"type trading cards.  Many of these cards have multiple athletes on the card with Mr. Hogan.  Some with golfers but many from other sports.  The memorabilia theme is closely followed in his "President's Choice cards, however the Ben Hogan cards are only with other golfers.

The first Ben Hogan SK trading cards appeared in 2008 in Series B.  There are 28 BH cards in this issue.  This continued with 11 cards in 2009, 3 cards in 2010, 13 cards in 2012, and 7 in 2013.  All of these cards have Brian Price's name on the back.  When "Leaf" took over in 2014, there was no SK issue.  In 2015, "Leaf" issued previously issued SK cards, mainly from 2008-2009.  The only difference in the 2015 cards was an "SK VAULT" stamp and hand-numbered on the front of each card.  This was ultimately the only Ben Hogan SK releases by "Leaf".  The "Sage Company" secured the rights to the SK name in 2018 and  that issue contained 5 Ben Hogan golf cards.  These would be the last Ben Hogan Sportskings cards issued through 2023.

On a side note, during Brian Price's time with Sportkings, some of the SK cards also had the phrase "Famous Fabrics" on the card.  Brian Price additionally put out a separate set of cards called "Famous Fabrics" in which there are many cards that have Ben Hogan memorabilia on the card, usually a bag swatch.  Most of the cards have other golfers, along with Ben Hogan, on them..

As of the end of 2023, I know of 79 Ben Hogan Sportkings cards.  These make up almost 20% of all of the Ben Hogan cards that are known to me.  I am sure there are many more out there  which I am unaware of at this time.

There is a very impressive number of Ben Hogan SK cards currently listed on Ebay from Matt Wheeler and the "Wheeler Collection".
 I have a few of the Wheeler Collection Ben Hogan Sportkings cards in my collection, with the hope of eventually adding more. You can find more information about the "Wheeler Collection" at https://wheelercollection.com. This site shows that Matt has a lot more than just Sportkings cards.  I recommend you take a look when you get the chance.

Below is a table that shows the years 2007 thru 2023 and the Ben Hogan Sportkings cards released.  I truly believe more BH Sportkings cards exist.  When they finally surface, I will add them to this table and the website information.  Please, always let me know of any inaccuracies in this table or on the website.  I strive to be as accurate as possible.

Ben Hogan SPORTKINGS Cards

YearSeries# of Ben Hogan Golf CardsBen Hogan Cards Issued
1933Goudey SportKings0No Ben Hogan Cards Issued
2007Series A0No Ben Hogan Cards Issued
2008Series B
Ben Price
#92 Base Standard Size (?)#SKE-18 Nat. Spring Expo Silver (9)
#92 Base Mini Size (?)#SKE-18 Nat. Spring Expo Gold (1)
#LC-44 Logo (1)#TS-11 Nat. Fall Expo Silver (9)
#KSM-02 King Size Mem. (10)#TS-11 Nat. Fall Expo Gold (1)
#SM-05 Single Mem. Silver (30)#TS-24 Nat. Fall Expo Team Mem. Silver (9)
#SM-05 Single Mem. Gold (10)#TS-24 Nat. Fall Expo Team Mem. Gold (1)
#DM-04 Double Mem. Silver (30)#SKN-47 Nat. Conv. Mem. Silver (9)
#DM-04 Double Mem. Gold (10)#SKN-47 Nat. Conv. Mem. Gold (1)
#TM-02 Triple Mem. Silver (20)#SKN-18 Nat. Conv. Mem. Silver (9)
#TM-02 Triple Mem. Gold (10)#SKN-18 Nat. Conv. Mem. Gold (1)
#PC-BH Paper Cut Autograph (10)#9 Fall Expo Box Mem. (1)
#D-01 Decades Silver (20)#HOST Fall Expo Post Cared Redemp. Duel Relic (1)
#D-01 Decades Gold (10)#NNO Made to Order Mem. (1)
#D-01 Decades Chicago National Silver (1)
#D-01 Decades Chicago Natiional Gold (1)
2009Series C
Ben Price
#NNO Made to Order Triple Players (1)#SK-73 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics RED Silver (9)
#SK-15 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics ORANGE Silver (9)#SK-73 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics RED Gold (1)
#SK-15 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics ORANGE Gold (1)#NNO Box Topper (1)
#SK-34 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics GREEN Silver (9)#NNO Super Box II (1)
#SK-34 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics GREEN Gold (1)
#SK-53 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics BLUE  Silver (9)
#SK-53 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics BLUE Gold (1)
2010Series D
Brian Price
#SK-33  31st NSCC Redemp. Silver (9)
#SK-33  31st NSCC Redemp. Gold (9)
#NNO Made to Order Triple Players (1)
SK Issue
1**Even though there was no official SK issue in 2011, you can find many SK cards with the copyright date 2011 and labeled Series D.  Some of these are labeled "Made in the USA" while others are labeled "Made in Canada".  There is one Ben Hogan SK card that I have found with the 2011 copyright date:

#NNO Box Topper Redemption Hogan/Nicklaus

2012Series E
Brian Price
#VP Vint. Paper Cuts (1)#SKR-51 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp. Triple Mem. Silver (9)
#92 Jared Kelley Art (1)#SKR-51 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp. Triple Mem. Gold (1)
#SKEQM-04 Quad Mem. Redemp. (10)#M-BH1 Masterful Cut Sig. (1)
#SKR-11 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp. Single Mem. Silver (9)#M-BH2 Masterful Cut Sig. (1)
#SKR-11 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp. Single Mem. Gold (1)#15 Premium Back Redemp. Sketches (1)
#SKR-37 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp Double Mem. Silver (9)#16 Premium Back Redemp. Sketches (1)
#SKR-37 33rd Nat. Conv. Redemp. Double Mem. Gold (1)
2013Series F
Brian Price
#VP-BH Vintage Paper Cuts#SKR-51 34th NSCC Redemp. Triple Mem. Silver (10)
#SKR-11 34th NSCC Redemp. Single Mem. Silver (10)#SKR-51 34th NSCC Redemp. Triple Mem. Golf (1)
#SKR-11 34th NSCC Redemp. Single Mem. Gold (1)
#SKR-37 34th NSCC Redemp. Double Mem. Silver (10)
#SKR-37 34th NSCC Redemp. Double Mem. Gold (1)
2014No SK IssueXXXXXX
However all backs say Brian Price due to issue date
Possibly 16
Reissues of a few 2008-2009 SK cards  --  Stamped with an "SK VAULT" stamp and hand numbered
#SM-05 Single Mem. Silver (5)#SK-15 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics ORANGE Silver (4)
#SM-05 Single Mem. Gold (5)#SK-15 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics ORANGE Gold (?) ???
#DM-04 Double Mem. Silver (6)#SK-34 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics GREEN Silver (4)
#DM-04 Double Mem. Gold (?) ???#SK-34 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics GREEN Gold (1)
#TM-02 Triple Mem. Silver (5)#SK-53 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics BLUE Silver (4)
#TM-02 Triple Mem. Gold (?) ???#SK-53 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics BLUE Gold (?) ???
#DM-01 Decades Silver (6)#SK-73 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics RED Silver (?) ???
#D-01 Decades Gold (6)#SK-73 Nat. Conv. Fam. Fabrics RED Gold (1)
2016No SK IssueXXXXXX
No SK Issue
2018Volume 1
#12 Hobby Standard Size (100) Logo on Card#ICONS-5 Signature Card (1)
#12 Hobby Mini Size (50) Logo on Card
#12 Retail Standard Size (?)
#12 Retail Mini Size (?)
2019No SK Issue
2020No SK Issue
2021Volume 2
No BH CardsNo Ben Hogan Cards Issued
2022Volume 3
No BH cardsNo Ben Hogan Cards Issued
2023Volume 4
No BH cardsNo Ben Hogan Cards Issued